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The Answers You Need

What is NLP?

"The name of the field refers to (Neuro) the human nervous system, including the brain and the five senses, (Linguistic) the verbal and non-verbal languages with which we communicate and (Programming) the ability to structure our neurological and linguistic systems to achieve desired results" Jamie Smart 


"An attitude of curiosity that leaves behind a trail of techniques" Richard Bandler, Co-founder of NLP

What is mBIT?

mBIT is short for Multiple Brain Integration Technique, the reconciliation of the complex neurological networks in the human body and the realignment of  the autonomic nervous system. This is achieved through a highly refined exercise that is both delivered linguistically and somatically (through speech and movement). 

How can any of this help me?

The focus of these two modalities is on the difference you wish to have more of in your life, you may have a desire to change but don't know how or what yet, that is not important going into your session. Although your problem is likely to be the catalyst for seeking coaching, it will not be the 'main player' in our time together. There is not requirement for you to relive the pain of your past to change your future. Through curiosity and open-minded conversation I will help guide you to discover the change you have been looking for. It may be helpful for you to know that change can be achieved without disclosing the details of your issue at all, allowing for an entirely content free interaction. There are tools available to me to enable you to make significant and lasting shifts in your patterns of behaviour and beliefs.  

What is hypnosis & is it safe?

Hypnosis has got a fairly bad rap over the years. Say "Hypnosis" and people are thinking of making a fool of themselves on stage. Yes this is hypnosis, this is not hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of the natural human state of 'trance'. Trace occurs naturally throughout the course of day to day life without attracting much attention. you may 'zone out' during a mundane or routine task or 'lose' small spans of time - heads up .... this is trance. Hypnotherapy induces trance through guided relaxation in order to allow your practitioner to address the subconscious part of your brain to help you make profound and long lasting change. 

What is your subconscious? 

So many questions ... in simple language, the subconscious is the part of your brain that is in control of all the automatic functions. And its primary concern is to keep you safe. When new things are being learned this process may feel very difficult at first, you may be very aware of each step in the new process, once you have practiced, this action becomes more natural and you may even forget exactly how you are doing it. This is how the subconscious works. Unhelpful lessons are also stored in this way if they have offered you comfort or safety in the past, you may have a habit you know is bad for you but find it difficult to overcome. This will be your subconscious doing what it has always done. 

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